.txtlab is a laboratory for cultural analytics at McGill University directed by Andrew Piper.
Our aim is to use #AI and #NLP to better understand human storytelling.
Students come from a variety of backgrounds, including computer science, linguistics, languages and literatures, cultural studies, digital humanities, media and communication studies, math and statistics to some combination of the above.
If you are an undergraduate or graduate student interested in using computational modeling to study cultures of storytelling the best place to start is by taking one of my classes that introduces you to the computational analysis of text: LLCU 312 (AI and Storytelling) or LLCU 602 (Introduction to Digital Humanities).
If you already have experience with text and data analysis, and are comfortable doing independent work, learning on your own and participating in group activities, then get in touch!
To learn more about past projects check out our publications and follow me on Twitter @_akpiper.